love to learn pencil signage on wall near walking man

Educating our Future

The purpose of our learning offerings is to foster a shared understanding of our collective capacity to navigate the challenges of the Anthropocene in the 21st century. Our goal is to reflect together on our lived experiences, to explore and create a common ground and language for the foundations of the emerging shift to a new quality of time.

Together and with the help of the integral model, we want to find ways to escape the postmodern labyrinth: Towards a change in the culture of our togetherness, the socioecological systems, towards holistic health care, transpersonal experience through transcendence. This in order to explore the question "How do I want to live" together and co-creatively.

First and foremost, it is a participatory action research experiment to guide intrinsic learning, education, research, and peer certification processes. It is an experiment in decentralized, autonomous learning. The form of our learning opportunities is at least as important as its function. It is a move away from traditional curriculum design, where content is predefined by a teaching authority. In our learning opportunities, the authority of the teacher is transferred to the collective of learners, who actively shape their learning opportunities and make suggestions about topics, authors, and references.

We do not see ourselves as owners or custodians of privileged information! At no other time in history has information been so ubiquitous and freely available. By identifying the sources of information and looking at them critically as a collective, we expect to create a whole that is distinctly different from the sum of the parts.

We believe that this form of co-creative peer learning, echoed in educational philosophies such as Waldorf, Reggio-Emilia, Montessori, Paulo Freire, etc., is the way to embed a life-serving practice of living together.

People interested in our learning programs will benefit from our networks to invite authors, speakers and lecturers to their online or on-site meetings. They will publish their knowledge, carry out their own projects, and engage in whatever is relevant to their learning.

They will collaboratively decide what investigations and co-reflections are meaningful to their lives, what they want to learn and explore together, and assemble learning materials. They will collaboratively decide how they will guide each other's learning, such as through a triad system, and how they will honor and certify each other's learning achievements.

CAPE+coop provides the learning platform and will issue accredited certificates of achievement based on the peers' final evaluations and recommendations.
Post-postmodernism in the integral worldview is still emerging. We feel called to stimulate a learning process of integrating all our senses that we have hidden behind role models for so long, empathically, authentically, coherently, and in our vulnerability.

We will rediscover our aliveness in deep listening and fall in love with life again. In this way, we will be able to take the emerging transformation with the new fabric of our feelings into an embodied practice to serve the whole.

Certificate courses and higher learning

Certificate courses and learning options for professional qualification can be found on our community platform and are booked here, via CAPE+coop. Participant registration takes place on working days within 24h. Badges are also awarded for these courses..

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Basic information and unaccompanied learning opportunities can be found directly on this website.

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